On Political Theater

Segal Talks

15 Okt 2020 Martin E. Segal Center, CUNY (online)

In englischer Sprache

Frank Hentschker spricht mit Florian Malzacher über sein neues Buch Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute.

The Martin E. Segal Theatre Center is proud to announce the new line-up of its new global series, SEGAL TALKS. Since the beginning of March the series featured close to 100 talks with 150 artists from 50 countries. New York, US, and international theatre artists, curators, researchers, and academics will talk daily during the week for one hour with Segal Center’s director, Frank Hentschker, about life and art in the Time of Corona and speak about challenges, sorrows, and hopes for the new Weltzustand — the State of the World.

This program is presented in collaboration with HowlRound Theatre Commons, based at Emerson College.


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